Industry arose in Egypt since the ancient Egyptian civilization. The ancient Egyptians knew how to extract metals such as copper, silver, and gold, and they succeeded in melting and manufacturing them. They knew how to make machinery, agricultural tools, military equipment, the ceramics industry, the shipbuilding industry, the linen textile industry, and the oil pressing industry. They excelled in making jewelry encrusted with precious stones. Antiquities displayed in historical museums highlight the precision of ancient Egyptian craftsmen and the beauty of their crafts.

In the modern era, Egypt witnessed an industrial renaissance in the 19th century at the hands of Muhammad Ali, whose era witnessed the establishment of a major industrial base, which included the textile industry, the sugar industry, oil pressing, and rice mills. Military industries flourished, and a shipyard and factories for preparing chemical materials were established.

In our meeting with Engineer Mohamed Ezzat Zaghloul – Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al Ezz Group for Import, Export and Commercial Agencies – he told us: My name is Mohamed Ezzat Zaghloul, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in international transportation and logistics. The mother company, “Najma Zaghloul Paints,” was established by my father, Hajj Ezzat Zaghloul. – May God protect him – since 1975 in the city of Mahalla al-Kubra in Gharbia Governorate, after which several companies and various industrial projects were established that serve the basic activity of the main company, “Najma Zaghloul Paints.”
These industrial projects include: United Group for Oils and Paints, Capital International Company for Oils and Paints, Techno Pack Packaging Company, Alex Powder Company, and in 2015, Al-Ezz Group for Import, Export and Commercial Agencies was established, which now includes under its banner the aforementioned group of companies in addition to Al-Ezz Company. For real estate investment, it specializes in general contracting and has successful partnerships and projects with major real estate development companies in Egypt. There are also many partnerships with major general supply companies. The company also established its first branch outside the Egyptian country in the sister Arab Emirates in November of last year 2022. .
The company’s main headquarters is located in Mahalla al-Kubra, in addition to the company’s stores in the cities of Mahalla al-Kubra and Burj al-Arab, as well as the company’s office in Alexandria Governorate and the company’s international branch in the Emirates.

We owe our gratitude to God and to my father, Hajj Izzat Zaghloul, who is considered the greatest supporter and primary contributor to the establishment and establishment of this entity that we are proud of today, and it has become a strong addition to the economy in the field of chemicals. The company, thanks to God, obtained the ISO 9001 certificate, and the company also received the “ The International Gold Star for Quality is a high-level Swiss award given to companies that apply the highest levels of quality. Only 3 Egyptian companies have obtained it, and we, thanks to God, are among these three companies.
The nature of the company’s activity is focused on import and export in the field of chemicals and basic and primary materials used in the paint industry, plastics industry, PVC, packaging, and adhesives.

Eng. Saad Ezzat Zaghloul – Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors – explains that the company was based in the past period on importing raw materials from abroad, but after the global economic crisis, the company turned to the local alternative by manufacturing products that were imported from abroad in cooperation with Egyptian companies. It has a good reputation, and indeed we have succeeded in producing products of high quality and conforming to international standards, which makes us say with pride: Made in Egypt.
The company now produces 20-30% of the total products that we were importing, which contributed to saving hard currency, in line with the vision of the state’s political leadership, which calls for the importance and necessity of localizing the Egyptian industry and relying on the local component in manufacturing, provided that it matches the imported product in terms of quality. High efficiency and compliance with international standards.

Engineer Muhammad points out saying that the nature of the customers that the company targets with its products are companies that manufacture paints, plastics, adhesives, and packaging, especially since our products are raw raw materials used in manufacturing and not a finished product that benefits the final consumer.
As for the challenges and difficulties facing us in general, not only at the local level but also at the global level, it is that the economic effects of high inflation, the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the negative effects of the “Corona” pandemic have moved from major economies to emerging economies, and not only this, but the effects have extended. Every business, all the way to every family, all of this along with the economic implications that Egypt has been trying to resolve for a long time.
M noted. Muhammad pointed out that Egypt has a problem with hard currency, which is what it needs in the current period and is working to provide it through various sources, to contribute to the continued growth of the Egyptian economy and push the wheel of production forward.

In addition to the importance and necessity of moving to produce the local alternative to the imported product in order to help create a strong and competitive economy, and also to work on exporting these products made in Egypt, which will contribute to maximizing the country’s hard currency resources, provided that there is compliance with international standard standards for these products, in addition to consistency in The high quality of the local product increases demand for it. The group also exports its products to several countries, including Saudi Arabia, Algeria, and Tunisia.
As for the company’s expansion and future plans, M. says: Muhammad said that in the coming period, the company will seek to export its products from raw materials manufactured for oils and paints that we have begun to manufacture locally to our neighboring markets, such as the countries of the Middle East and African markets, which represent a great source of attraction for investments in various sectors and fields.

At the end of his conversation with us, Zaghloul addressed sincere words coming from the heart to the political leadership regarding all the tangible achievements on the ground, starting with the giant national road networks that have now connected Egypt’s governorates to each other from all directions, which contributed to the ease and speed of the movement of goods transportation, which led to saving time. And the effort, as well as the New Republic Project, which was launched starting from the New Administrative Capital, as well as the presidential initiatives that would ensure the provision of a decent life for the Egyptian citizen.
All greetings and appreciation to Mr. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi for his continued support and support for small and medium enterprises, and for standing beside the investor and manufacturer in providing all facilities, starting with the Central Bank’s initiative, the “5% Initiative,” which served as a lifeline during the spread of the Corona crisis in the country, and without it, our investments would not have grown. Or at least we preserved it. We say and address the sources of frustration and despair, the spreaders of chaos, and the promoters of false allegations pursued by every corrupt person who does not love his country, that you will not undermine the determination of the Egyptians, nor will you diminish their love and belonging to their dear homeland, Egypt.
We are with the political leadership wholeheartedly, and may God protect our Egypt, its dear leader, and its proud people. Long live Egypt.